I obtained my Ph.D. degree in the interdisciplinary of mechanics and materials science working with Prof. Lifeng Wang and I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Stoddard lab at Princeton University. My current research is funded by AFOSR, led by Prof. Stoddard at Princeton and Prof. Li at Virginia Tech. With intimate collaboration with biologists, my research is to understand the mechanics, function, formation, and evolution of biological materials. Specifically, I develop experimental and computational tools and propose new theories to interpret the fundamental design principles of structural material, both natural and artificial. The learned knowledge is applied to design and fabricate novel structural materials.
I am always fascinated by the exquisite material architectures in nature, their beauty, and outstanding properties. Examples include eggs, echinoderm skeletons, cuttlebones, and pufferfish skins. I believe studying biological materials provides one handle to unravel the mysteries of nature and design economical, sustainable, better, and smarter materials.
My research is highly interdisciplinary, spanning various fields including mechanics, physics, metamaterials, instability and failure, multifunctional synergies, biological growth, evolution, and materials fabrication. I believe cross-disciplinary research is essential to uncover the fundamental mechanical and material principles that govern the design of biological materials and ultimately to - understand materials evolution and develop bioinspired technologies that enhance the quality of our lives.

Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics 2014 - 2019
State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
M.S. in Fluid Mechanics 2011 - 2014
Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
B.S. in Ocean Engineering 2007 - 2011
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Postdoc Researcher 2023 - Present
Stoddard lab, Princeton University, NJ
Group leader: Prof. Mary Stoddard
Mechanics, multifunctionality, and evolution of avian eggs
Abrasion resistance of feathers with pigment and photonic color
Bioinspired, low-cost technology for sustainability
Postdoc Researcher 2019 - 2022
Laboratory of Biological and Bio-inspired Materials, Virginia Tech, VA
Group leader: Prof. Ling Li (Mechanical Engineering)
Multiphysics modeling of biological materials
Develop new experimental protocols for biological material characterization
Synthesize architected ceramic materials with bioinspired strategies
Research Assistant 2014 - 2019
Advanced composites and metamaterials lab, Stony Brook University, NY
Advisor: Prof. Lifeng Wang (Mechanical Engineering)
Experimental, numerical, and theoretical study of the multiscale mechanics of structural materials
Developing architected materials with novel mechanical and thermal properties
Teaching Assistant July 2014 - May 2019
State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
MEC 317, Solid mechanics labs. Instructor: Prof. Fu-pen Chiang
MEC 316, Mechanical engineering labs. Instructor: Prof. Fu-pen Chiang & David Hwang
MEC 539, Introduction to Finite Element Methods, taught by Prof. Lifeng Wang
MEC 363, Mechanics of solids, taught by Prof. Jeff Ge & Prof. Sam Huang
MEC 364, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, taught by Prof. Thomas Cubaud
Graduate Research Assistant 2011 - 2014
Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Advisor: Prof. Famin Wang and Chenan Zhang (Institute of Mechanics)
Aerodynamic design of hypersonic waveriders
Undergraduate Researcher 2010- 2011
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Advisor: Prof. Tao Zhang
Modeling the acoustic behavior of a heat exchanger ​
Advisor: Prof. Yuansheng Cheng
Defect induced structural design for enhanced crashworthiness
Academic Honors & Awards
• Young Researcher Poster Award 2017
• China National Scholarship for Graduate Students 2014
• Dean's List, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2014
• Excellent Graduate of Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2011
• China National Scholarship for Undergraduate Students 2010
• 1st Prize, Hubei Undergraduate Engineering Integration Ability Competition 2010
• 3rd Prize, BIZ-WIZ Cup Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2010
• Academically Excellent Student of Huazhong Uni. of Science and Technology 2009
• FESTO Endowed Scholarship in Mechanics 2009
Industrial Experience
Corning Incorporated 2022
Research scientist, Corning, NY, USA
Construction management of ships 2010
Internship at Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, Shanghai, China